0111013 – The teacher of Kazakh language and literature

Cipher – name of specialty:

0111000 –  Basic secondary education.


0111013 – The teacher  of Kazakh language and literature.

Training period:

Daytime: 3 years 10 month. 2 years 10 month.

Objects of professional activity:

  • secondary general education schools.

Subject of professional activity:

  • Kazakh language in synchronic-diachronic, sociolinguistic aspects;
  • Kazakh, world literature;
  • methodology of teaching Kazakh language and literature in educational institutions.

Types of professional activity:

  • educational (pedagogical) – as a teacher of Kazakh language and literature in secondary general schools, as well as in educational institutions of other kinds and forms, in various training courses.

Base of practice:

Secondary school  №33.