0518000 – Accounting and auditing

Cipher – name of specialty:

0518000 – Accounting and auditing.


0518033 – Economist-accountant

Training period:

Daytime: 2 years 10 month, 1 years 10 month.

Objects of professional activity:

Graduates who have mastered the program in the specialty “Accounting and Audit” can work in various spheres of the economy, occupy the positions of accountants and chief accountants, leading specialists in enterprises, corporations, firms, state administrations, ministries and departments, financial organizations, accounting and financial services, accountants, analysts, auditors and assistants to auditors in national and international companies.

Subjects of professional activity:

  • the use of economic categories in the regulation of socio-economic processes;
  • preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS;
  • analysis and audit of financial statements in accordance with ISA.

Objects of professional activity:

  • organizational and management;
  • calculation and design.

Base of practice:
