080000 – Oil and gas industry

Technical and professional education

Ualification code:

080000 – Oil and gas industry

Cipher – name of specialty:

080100 – Oil and gas well drilling and technology of drilling works

Qualification: Technik-technologist

 Training period:

on the base of secondary education 3 years 10months

On the base of post secondary education 2 years 10months

Objects of professional activity:

To know technology of oil and gas drilling and how to prepare drilling devices and drilling fluids,purification and chemical processing technology,well strengthening and cementing technology, to create industrial reservoirs and observing technologies,drilling documents exploration

Driller take knowledge how to use oil and gas well,produce,exploration,searching and take pert in warning operations

Subjects of professional activity

Technik-technologist objectives:

Analyze in detail technical processe of equipments in oil and producing factories,oil and gas commodities

Technik-technologist explore and regulate technological parameters of processes,organize cooperative measures for safety usage of technological equipments,investigate raw consumption,amount of reagents,raw quality,latest stages of products.Study design and layout ,technical documents ,use computer fluently.

Objects of professional activity:

Coordinate raw materials consumption, additional material and reagent efficiency.

Base of practice:

Ore mining plants